Sonia Narang is a multimedia journalist. Her work as a videographer, reporter, and photographer has taken her around the globe.

India: A Rising Solar Power

India: A Rising Solar Power

India’s ambitious national mission to drastically boost solar energy capacity over the next decade has prompted Indian companies to ramp up solar panel production and make more advancements in solar technology. Solar energy has also improved the lives of many families in rural India, including silkworm farmers in the villages outside Bangalore, India.
Kerala Brides, South Asian International Film Festival

Kerala Brides, South Asian International Film Festival

A documentary film about three women who left their hometown in Kerala, South India to marry men 2,000 miles away in the northern state of Haryana, where decades of female feticide – the selective abortion of girl children – has led to a shortage of brides.
India: The Cost of Yellowcake, PBS Frontline/World

India: The Cost of Yellowcake, PBS Frontline/World

A three-part online video series about the repercussions of mining uranium on tribal lands in eastern India. Won first place award from South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) and second place award from the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) in 2009.