India’s Highways of Death, New York Times
Every day in India, more than 300 people are killed in traffic accidents, the highest rate in the world. According to the World Health Organization, India has just one percent of the world’s vehicles, but ten percent of its road deaths, a result of poor road planning and inadequate law enforcement.
Tsunami Survivors Stay Put Despite Hardships, GlobalPost
At shelters throughout the hard-hit coastal town of Ishinomaki, survivors of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami sleep on blankets surrounded by cardboard boxes. Despite the lack of privacy and cramped, sparse conditions, evacuees say moving away is not an option.
Eco-artists float notion of self-sufficiency on Hudson, NBC News
Promoting a self-sufficient lifestyle, an environmentally friendly water craft called "The Waterpod" has been docking at ports across New York City. Produced, filmed, and edited by Sonia Narang for Nightly News Online.
L.A. Firefighters and Search Dogs Participate in Rescue Effort in Japan,
A team of L.A. County firefighters and trained dogs from the California-based National Disaster Search Dog Foundation spent a week searching for survivors in northeastern Japan.
Toyota Recalls Dent Vaunted Image in Japan, Wall Street Journal
In image-conscious Japan, reputation is everything. Toyota, the market leader and an auto maker with a reputation of excellence, is facing a crisis of confidence among Japanese consumers. Reported, produced, filmed, and edited by Sonia Narang.